Title: I am Bertha
Author: Mauro Trivelli
Publisher: Decima Musa Edizioni
Genre: historical novel
N ° pages: 240
Series: Tallia
cost: 15.00
ISBN: 978-88-31342-00-1.
Hear the story of a woman who was the daughter of a prince, the wife of a king and the mother of an emperor. A woman who was the architect of the successes of this man who is buried next to me and of his son Carlo but whose story, the official one, quotes only in a few lines. Bertha is a young girl when she meets Pippin, falls in love with him and has a son with him.The lands of Laon immediately become the center of political events that will lead to the rise of Pippin and Bertha with him.The delicate game of political balances between spiritual military power, between king and pope and also between king and queen, is the background to the human story of a queen whose greatness has made her a mythological figure, has made her deserve nursery rhymes and songs.This novel, which traces his life, is the first of which he has been the protagonist.Bertrada di Laon is the great woman behind a couple of great men (men) in history: her husband and son.In this historical novel, Bertha tells us about her life from childhood to maturity.It shows how she was the architect of many choices that brought both her men to the throne.We derive the portrait of an exceptional woman who inaugurates the transversal project of the great queens.
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